Keeping Kids Safe: Don’t delay dental care

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The COVID-19 pandemic forced all of us to put important things on hold. For many families, it meant delays in dental care.

Many children whose dental problems could have been easily taken care
of with a trip to the dentist had to wait, and since teeth don’t get
better on their own, those problems just got worse.

Local dentists are stressing the importance of six-month checkups, especially as we slowly get back to our normal routines.

“There’s nothing more important than that, you know. A stitch in
time, saves nine, and if you put it off, small problems can become very
big problems. Something that’s not painful can turn into something
painful. So very, very important to get the six-month checkups,” said
Kristine Staser, dental hygienist at Southern Park Dental Works in

To help prevent dental problems in kids:

  • Brush teeth regularly. Help your children brush their teeth two times a day for two minutes each time and use toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Offer fluoridated water. Offer your child plain milk with meals and fluoridated water in-between. Avoid juice, especially in sippy cups.
  • Avoid sugary foods and junk food.
    Diet affects dental health. The longer and more frequently your child’s
    teeth are exposed to sugar and other foods that stick in the teeth
    (like chips, cookies and crackers), the greater the risk of cavities.
  • Dental checkups.
    Situations vary from state-to-state as dental officers begin to reopen.
    However, they are following CDC and OSHA recommendations to make sure
    patients and dental team members stay safe. Call you dentist to learn
    about their new procedures for seeing patients before scheduling a
  • See your pediatrician. When you visit
    your pediatrician for a checkup or even a sick visit, ask about how best
    to take care of your children’s teeth. At in-person visits, your
    pediatrician may apply fluoride varnish to protect your child’s teeth.
    If you are not able to visit the office, your pediatrician may be able
    to offer a telehealth visit to “look” at your child’s mouth and teeth
    using photos or video. Depending on what is seen, you may need to take
    your child to a dentist.

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