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Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Oral health is important for people of all ages. But the simple
routine you learned as a kid—brush your teeth twice a day and floss
regularly—can become more of a challenge as you get older. Among adults
ages 75 and up, about 1 in 4 has lost all natural teeth, largely because
of gum disease and tooth decay.

You can take steps to keep your mouth healthy throughout your
lifetime. And if you’re a caregiver for an older adult, you can help
ensure that he or she gets proper oral care. Tooth decay and gum disease
don’t have to be a part of getting older.

“We have to worry about the same conditions throughout life, although
some conditions are more prevalent at certain ages,” says Dr. Dena
Fischer, a dental health expert at NIH. The 2 most common oral health
problems are tooth decay (cavities)
and gum disease. “Gum disease is more common when you’re older,”
Fischer explains. “But cavities can happen at any age, as long as you
have natural teeth.”  Both are largely preventable with proper care. 

Cavities develop as plaque
builds up on your teeth and under chipped fillings, producing acids
that can eventually eat away at the tooth’s hard outer surface.

Gum disease is an infection of the gums and surrounding tissues that
hold your teeth in place. Gum problems arise as plaque builds up along
and under your gum line. In severe cases, the bone and tissue that hold
teeth in place can break down, and teeth may eventually become loose and
have to be removed. 

Reduce your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease by
brushing daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. Also visit the
dentist regularly for a cleaning and checkup. 

Another common problem for older adults is dry mouth. Dry mouth
occurs when you don’t have enough saliva, or spit, to keep your mouth
wet. “Saliva is very important,” Fischer says. “The protective factors
in saliva prevent cavities, gum disease, and fungal infections.”

Dry mouth can be caused by medications; alcohol or tobacco; or
medical conditions, such as poorly controlled diabetes. Dry mouth is
usually treatable, so talk with your doctor or dentist if you’re having

Older adults are also at increased risk for oral cancer. Symptoms
include a sore, irritation, or lump in the mouth or throat that lasts
more than two weeks; it may be painful or may cause numbness. It’s
important to catch oral cancer early, because treatment works best
before the disease has spread. Be on the lookout for any changes in your
mouth, especially if you smoke or drink.

If you serve as a caregiver to an older adult, you can help that
person overcome oral health challenges. Encourage him or her to use an
electric or large-handled toothbrush, so it’s easier to grip. You might
place your hand over his/hers to help guide the toothbrush. Dentures
should soak in water overnight and once a week with a denture cleaner.
Dentures should also be rinsed after each meal and brushed daily.

A healthy mouth can help you eat well, avoid pain, and feel good
about yourself. Take steps to keep your mouth healthy, whatever your

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